• Proactively reflect market trends

    Information is power in this market, which changes rapidly and proactively reflects trends
    Focus resources only on necessary points through meetings and exchanges with leaders participating in the market
  • Fluctuation

    Great fluctuation due to macro-, micro- and social factors of the market
    Prepare for fluctuation through short-term operation of products ensuring capital preservation such as CB, BW, etc.
  • Profitability

    High profits at close range if investment based on accurate analysis line up with market trends and directions
    Quality of profit increased through systematic/non-systematic risk control and short-term fund operation
  • Uniqueness & individuality

    Real estate PF has uniqueness and individuality as all its projects are different form each other
    Investment structure standardized based on the accumulated know-hows and experiences
  • Liquidity

    In general, the period of real estate PF investment is 2-5 years; it is vulnerable in terms of financing liquidity
    Investment made by setting the period of investment at around a year, based on deep understanding of the project
  • Profitability

    The rate of return for real estate PF is higher, compare to that of other financial products
    Higher rate of return on investment achieved through inside information and hegemony unknown to common investors